Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Metallic Content

Kevin's ratio of metal to bone in his mouth has dropped quite a bit.  First, surprisingly, he lost a tooth last week; it's the first one to come out via natural causes in ages (I think the last eight have been removed at the dentist's office).  Then, today, the braces and expander came out.  Last Thursday we had the appointment where the orthodontist said "we're good"....and wanted us to come back in five weeks to get everything off.   Luckily (for Kevin!) someone had just canceled two appointments this week, so, today they are off and on Thursday he gets his retainer.

Kevin-No-Braces 001

Kevin-No-Braces 002 

Kevin, with Daphne, watching Kevin's favorite show, "Seconds from Disaster" on the National Geographic channel.