Monday, December 22, 2008

Weekend Update - Late Edition

Friday:  Wake up to 5 inches of snow with more is closed; Christmas break comes a day early.  Boys are overjoyed by this development.  I had planned on taking the day off to try and get various parts of the house to completion anyway, so, the school closing was another potential delay...happily, the boys either played outside or were overjoyed to see the Wii hooked up again and busy doing that, so, they weren't that big of a pain. 

Friday and Saturday and Sunday:  Suzanne and I have spent a lot of time over the last week painting, and repainting, the basement.   Both colors of blue are very prone to having some white patches come through if you are too light with the roller, so, a 2nd coast was a necessity.  Spent a lot of time doing paint around the trim only to have the contractor come through with a messy caulk job that forced us to go back over those sections again.  Anyway, I think we're finally done with the painting.

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looking down the stairs

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looking from the stairs across the room

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looking back towards the stairs (the couch is not long for this house....we're scouting replacements)

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towards the walkout

Saturday we finally began putting together the Ikea-closet for Kevin's new room.  This wasn't the easiest of chores...the sliding doors, in particular, were a very frustrating Swedish-engineering moment.  But, the unit is up, and we've installed some drawers and baskets and such.

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Also spent a lot of time trying to get the kitchen to a more complete state before the Christmas cookie party on Sunday, so, we installed the last cabinet (a set of shelves) and put the hood over the oven (that was another pain in the ass) and put handles on almost everything (we're still short handles on the cabinets over the refrigerator from the beginning of this project, but, those handles require disassemble of the cabinet, so, we haven't been in a rush to do this).

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Cleaning the house before an event is always a chore....starting from the point we did, most of the basement items in the sun room, most of the kitchen stuff in the living room.....I'm in no hurry to do that again, we definitely over-committed ourselves.  But, it's all closer to being done and put away, so, that's a good thing. 

We won't talk about the junk and trash piled in the garage!

Boys had a soccer game on Saturday....they lost 2-0 and certainly had plenty of chances.  For some reason, the team didn't want to crash the net, so, while we had a lot of offensive pressure, it was usually pretty easy for the opposing goalie to scoop up the ball.  Oh well.

The aforementioned cookie party went well; the cousins all had a good time and reacted well to Wiley (who, for the most part, was pretty well behaved, and, very quickly realized that the younger cousins were a sure bet for crumbs on the floor).  Everyone seemed to have a good time, the chicken curry was great,the cookies turned out well (after a few false starts) and Suzanne and I did nothing Sunday night but relax!