Monday, December 8, 2008


I haven't done a post describing the visitors to the blog in a long time....really, it's the same stable of folk now for the most part.  Grandma and Aunt Melanie; Niceville; a few Lansing IP addresses (Aunt Christine, Kathy) every now and again.  Those are the regulars I walk into a bar I guess, and the same gang is always there.

There's a fair smattering of random visits that don't last that long related to internet searches.  Been a few recently looking for 1st grade spelling tests...I think there was one for "Babenhausen elementary school"....had a run on "dangers of tubing" searches for a while that referred people to the infamous Crab Island post.  Not so many visits from far off places due to the 'next blog' button....that only happens about every 6 weeks now.

I guess the most interesting thing on the visitor front gets to the casual approach I've taken towards the blog over the last 13 months.  At first, I took great pains not to mention certain phrases....the home town, the last name, the schools, because I knew, search engines would pick those names up, and I might get visitors from the community who know us and thought that avoiding that was a good thing.  But, over time, I relaxed, or, got lazy, or whatever, and those words began to creep in (the basketball post a few posts down has the school, for example)'s just harder to always remember to write generically.  And I may have to dump the blog at some point if the worst case happens and someone from the community gets out here, discovers it, and somehow someway it turns out to embarrass Kevin or something like that.  But, I guess the chance of that is pretty remote.

That being said, there's the regulars I know, and there's the regular, now, that I don't.   Found the blog after doing a search on the busing cuts and saw my post to the superintendent that went nowhere, and now, not every day, but, every couple of days, there's a visit.  So, we have one fan in Okemos at least.

Welcome to our corner of the internet.  Say 'hi' if you see us at the Meijer or something!