Saturday, December 27, 2008

Post-Christmas Blah

Spending Saturday morning at the Honda dealer getting the 'service' on Suzanne's Odyssey....blah.

Raining steadily and all the snow is going going gone.....blah.

Went to Selfridge yesterday......I-96 between Howell and Brighton was an ice to watch two cars spin out and cross three lanes of traffic to end up in the ditch, one collecting another car while doing so......blah.

Enough blahs....

Boys are happily enjoying the Christmas 'goods'......Santa brought a Wii Fit for the family, trotted that out the other night.....pretty interesting.   Took the boys to Zap Zone last night for a late-Kevin-birthday outing; boys had a good time blasting their opponents into oblivion. 

Sunday's a big football day.....Dolphins (Suzanne) and Chargers (Grandma) are playing in win-and-you're-in games; Matthew ought to be in seventh heaven for those 8 hours.   Happily, the Steeler fans in the house are content with letting the JV beat up on the Browns....
