Sunday, December 14, 2008

Weekend Update

Whew!  Been a busy weekend.

Friday:  It's official; there's a teenager in the house.  Kevin had a great birthday.....  Perhaps one of the sweetest moments was the boys getting some of the cash they've been hoarding in their rooms and giving it to Kevin.....



Saturday:  Kevin 'gave up' tennis for cross-country, but, he also gave up tennis for the chance to ski every Saturday.  Community Ed offers a skiing program; you pay a membership fee, and you pay some bus charges, but, they'll take the kids every Saturday down to one of the three local ski areas.  Saturday was the first event, so, Kevin took his new birthday skis and off he went.  Had a great time, it was cold, but that's good, because today it was warmer and all of the snow would have been slush or gone....

Boys had a soccer game....we lost 4-3.  It was a really good game, and you could chart the team's progress by looking at how we've done against the team we faced Saturday...they were the first team we ever played on the big field, and we lost 10-0.  The second time we played them, we lost 4-1, and the game was tied 1-1 in the third quarter before we tired and gave up some goals.  Today, it was 4-3, and it could have gone either way.

Spent a lot of time this weekend trying to get the basement up to speed before we start putting stuff back into the basement.  Hopefully, the contractor will finish Monday...he just has some trim work and minor electrical work to do.  A lot of paint applied both Saturday and Sunday


 basement pics 001

A view from the door of Kevin's room into the room.  The walls are primarily dark blue, with the lighter blue as the highlight.  There will be a white shelf under that window when we are done

basement pics 002

Towards the sliding door; in the 'outer' basement, the colors are reversed, dark blue is the highlight. 

basement pics 003

The view towards Kevin's door.

Sunday:  More painting.  And then we went over to Eastwood to get the Christmas pictures done.  The main pose will appear in Christmas cards in the near future, but, we ended up purchasing two other can see them below.



We went in to the pictures knowing that we wanted specifically to take a picture with the boys in the pose above.  Because that pose was the highlight of the last pictures, 2 years ago.


Truth in blogging laws require me to point out that in the newer picture, Christopher was asked to stand on a block.  He's tall, but, he needed a little help to get his face above Matthew's head.

Another soccer game today as well....we lost 7-4 to the best team in our group....we've done surprising well against them, they have no losses and one tie (against us) and today was close for about half the game.  Matthew had two goals and Christopher finally cashed in, which was pretty nice to see. 

Watched the Steelers when we got home...the soccer game was at 5:40 pm, so, missed most of the 2nd and 3rd quarters.  Matthew was really into the game at the end, and went to great lengths to show Mom just how Santonio had both feet in the endzone and that it was going to be a touchdown (when, it probably shouldn't have been).  But, we celebrated, and all's well.