Sunday, March 20, 2011

Video Update

1)  Kevin taped the last basketball game of the year; I went through and clipped out almost every time that Christopher touched the ball or did something basketball-y in nature.  That video can be found here. 

2)  Last night was the annual Collage Concert marking the end of the Fine Arts Festival.  We’ve attended the middle school performances before but never the high school night.  Kevin was going to be onstage twice so of course we’d be there.  Turns out that I was the only parent in attendance since Suzanne was waylaid at work.

One of the highlights of the Festival is the artwork from all of the schools in the district that is displayed on the walls at the high school. 


Matthew’s piece d’ arte was a set of flowers.


And I’m not sure what this is…I think it’s a mask but haven’t had a chance to ask Cpher what’s going on here

As I said, Kevin performed twice.  The first number was in the first act and was the cast of the musical performing one number….they’ve been working hard at getting this down for this concert…they’ve only been practicing for a few weeks.


You can find that video here.  I asked Kevin why he’s stuck behind the only other kid in the musical taller than him….Kevin says that his  usual ‘partner’ for this number wasn’t there tonight and that’s why he was where he was

Kevin reappeared in the 2nd act with the Freshman Orchestra….they performed a piece that they had played at Districts, so, I’ve heard it before BUT, they didn’t play it this way, without a director, and with all of the cellos sitting and the violins and violas standing.   The upshot of all this is that this is the best video of Kevin and the violas I’ve ever been able to capture…..and you can find that here.

An aside:  many people say that this Freshman Orchestra is one of the best groups of kids to come through (in terms of talent) in some time.  I don’t know about that…I do know they sound awfully good.

A second aside:  don’t know why we never went to the Collage Concert before; man were the performances excellent!