Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wrap-Up: Christopher


Academics:  Improving is the order of the day here….along with the p/t conference he had his yearly speech re-evaluation.  Where last year, he was below average in her metrics, this year he was right on target (don’t ask me why speech evals are for more than speech….these metrics are reading-based and specifically for Christopher; listening skills).  The specific test Christopher has problems with in listening is having a sentence read to him and saying it back EXACTLY.  Just not a strength, can’t do this well.  Comprehension isn’t an issue; his teacher doesn’t notice any problems with this at all. 

The upshot of all this is that after this year he won’t be in speech anymore.  Still working on his ‘r’ sound; he certainly knows how to make the sound and when he says a word you can ask him to redo it and get a word like ‘rhino’ to be pronounced ‘rrrrrr-hino”

Math, social studies, and science are strengths.  Reading and writing…well, still a work in progress.  But getting there.  Everyone says he’s working hard at it.

Two things from his p/t conference I wanted to memorialize:  1)  when Cpher works in small groups he has absolutely no patience for others in his group who aren’t there to do what needs to be done.  He’s the teacher’s best friend at this moment…the teachers don’t have to step in, Christopher takes care of that and 2) for a week before his p/t conference Christopher was prepping us “Dad, if Mrs. Nelson says something bad during the conference, you won’t be mad at me, right?”.  Took all week to get him to admit what he was worried about…..that he was “too talkative”.

Ask about this (and express Christopher’s concern about it) as the conference is coming to a close; the teacher and her intern laugh….Christopher is no more talkative than any other kid, and, when asked to stop, does so almost immediately.

Athletics:  Soccer starts after spring break and so does mileage club.  A lot of running will be good for the big guy.  Warmer weather will be good also.  Probably his last eight games of organized soccer coming up; hope he enjoys them.  I know I will miss him out there but, well, that’s the way it is…..


I wouldn’t have given ten dollars on the chances that Christopher’s beta fish would survive from his birthday to now; I was very wrong.  He is very conscientious about feeding Palu…..

….Cpher still tends towards the more gentler sides of things at times….can definitely be won over quickly by a stuffed animal for example.  But, just yesterday, in the pool, he also showed no hesitation in using all of his height and weight in his battling.