Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wrap-Up: Kevin

A veritable explosion of posts is on the way as we leave for vacation tomorrow.  More free time = more things to write about = more posting.

I figured the first place to start was the tradition of one post each about each boy; parent teacher conferences have come and gone and this seems like as good as time as any to write down some general thoughts on each boy.

Let’s hit the big four with Kevin:

Academics:  Still doing a great job; a minor hiccup in Geometry that has his parents paying a little closer attention to what’s going on but nothing really to get worked up about.  Looks like he’s going to be taking AP world history next year and also skipping a year of English as well, so, three of his five ‘subjects’ are going to be be more advanced….and this is good.  I think he’s had it kind of easy this year and that may not be the best thing for Kevin.  He may have the opportunity to participate in a German exchange program next year, so, we’ll see how that turns out….the information night is after spring break. 

Arts:  We’re still waiting to hear from Blue Lake about the composition; one of the things we’ve discovered is that he hasn’t mentioned, or shared, the piece he’s written with his orchestra teacher at all.  We are encouraging him (you can read that as ‘forcing him’) to change that….I think there is nothing but good that can come from her being more aware of what he’s doing.  Musical practice is going well….I had to ask him the other day how the singing was going.  The former choir teacher retired, so, there’s a new lady in charge now and she did come up and introduce herself to Kevin and say “Why aren’t you in choir?”….so, this is good, but I can’t think that it won’t mean much moving forward towards better things in the musical; he’s always going to be pushing uphill to get a good role.

Athletics:  On hold right now….will be pursuing some tennis camps this summer.  Again, I don’t think there is much chance of him making varsity next year unless he has a phenomenal summer and really figures out how to use his height and strength to his best advantage.  The end of the ski season arrived and he’s reached the highest level he can at the Winter Walden lessons….he could, if he wanted, teach lessons next year.  So, that’s nice that he’s achieved a level of mastery there.  Too bad we’re not a skiing family….

Socially:  Still no real group of friends that he hangs out with outside of school……although Kevin has a diverse group of friends at school.  I don’t think he would say he has one ‘best’ friend but there are a few kids he hangs out with a lot.  No girlfriend yet, and that’s ok too.  It is amazing to see him now amongst his friends; he’s definitely one of the taller kids in his class now and that’s kind of shocking…..


  • He’s the king of the mid-afternoon nap…..and will deny it to the last that he’s actually fallen asleep.  I’ve been able to get close enough to stand there for 30 seconds and then pour cold water slowly on his face to wake him up (Matthew was with me and could hardly contain his laughter that after 2 separate ‘splashes’ Kevin was still asleep….
  • Driving:  He’s pretty good.  We’ll see if he gets a chance on the long highway stretches as we drive out of here….would certain liven things up!  The rule so far has been “No Kevin driving when all five of us are in the car”