Thursday, June 14, 2012

Euro2012 – Day One


Pre-Game:  The packing and final organizing of events seemed to go pretty well….the worst catastrophe was Wiley getting into the special ordered Mackinac Island Fudge that was supposed to go to Germany.  Now, no fudge to Germany and chocolate/sugar puke all over the place.  Stupid Dogs!

Boys last day of school was Wednesday; Cpher finished up with a fieldtrip on Tuesday to Greenfield Village….Matthew finished up with a  mercy early pick-up; the last days of 4th grade have not been good for Matthew, a lot of teacher-student conflict.


The last departure from Bennett Woods.  11 years, 3 boys, lots of memories. 

Boston:  Headed to Detroit right before noon; should have predicted it but really didn’t see it coming; Mom turns into a teary-mushball when saying goodbye to Kevin (Dad just told him to try and keep his head out of his ass!)……

And off we go.  Realize we forgot to print ‘proof of insurance’ cards just in case for our car rentals, stop at Kinkos in Novi to do that.  But otherwise pretty uneventful through security and onto the plane. 

Arrive in Boston on time, and, for all of our constant checks of weather in Europe (foreshadowing….this isn’t looking good) we didn’t look at Boston at all; just assumed it would be like it has been in Michigan (see picture above), sunny and awesome!


I, sadly, don’t even know what I’m looking at in this picture….

We had a 5-hour layover in Boston, so, made the decision to leave the airport and go and have dinner with Katie Curtin(-Mestre).  We could have taken the ferry or a cab from Logan to Downtown; because of the yucky conditions chose taxi.  In hindsight, ferry would have been best….at one point we moved 100 feet in 20 minutes….but, we made it, and met up with Katie, and had a nice dinner.


28 years later for Suzanne, 24 for me…..

Katie drove us back to the airport after a quick drive through the North End (we really need to come back and visit Boston) and a stop at the Old North Church.  Boarded Air France and waited.  And waited.  And waiter.  And finally left about an hour late.

Flight was ok, I slept more than Suzanne, but, we arrived in Paris late enough that we missed our connection to Barcelona (along with 22 others)… would have been nice for the Air France Captain to wait, but he elected not to, even though the Air France staff was working hard to collect us and expedite us through the airport.  Pretty disappointed at some of the comments the redneck Americans were making as these two AF employees were going way above and beyond to try and get us on that flight.

Leave for Barcelona now at 3:45 (not 12:55).  So, got a chance to do this blog, gets some Orangina, and relax a little. 


The crew…..


Mom not impressed with me taking the picture OR the temperature here in Terminal F; has to be in the high 70’s….not very cool at all.