Saturday, July 7, 2012

Euro2012 – Matthew Soccer Swag


A comprehensive listing of Matthew’s soccer shirts….ok, maybe not comprehensive, his two Seattle Sounder jerseys are not in this group…


This jersey was probably the one thing that Matthew wanted more than anything else…


The best thing about this Barcelona jersey is that Matthew as ok with wearing last year’s (the season just ended in June) style, so, we found this one at 50% off…it is the real deal, no knock-off that you can find at any stand anywhere in Europe…


This one’s from Sicily…Sicily has two pro teams; Catania (shown here) and another team; that team’s colors are pink and black, so, hey, Go Catania!


This shirt is more like a t-shirt than a jersey (even though it looks like a jersey).  And at a t-shirt cost…


This jersey violates my jersey code; no national team jersey’s from other countries.  But, we can bend that for teams that aren’t so good.  And while Croatia did ok in Euro2012, they bombed out in the group stage.  And the jersey, while not quite an actual replica, was pretty cheap too..


The one problem with a lot of the shirts / jerseys?  Sizing.  Youth XL wasn’t available in many places, so, we had to go with Men’s Small…in this particular case it swims on him and we probably won’t see this shirt worn much until he grows a little…


He proudly rocked his Detroit FC shirt in Europe…


Signed by the goaltender and captain, Coach Jeremy


Kevin brought Matthew a hat from Dresden’s soccer team; the Dynamo…


Matthew wore this shirt a lot during the cruise…



We didn’t get the one jersey he really wanted; Chelsea.  Matthew would like to get the new jersey (and it’s not in stores yet) so we’ll wait and get it here at home…..Instead, we got a shirt from the Premier League team that I support, Everton.  Don’t like getting the Barcelona/Chelsea jerseys…it’s like getting the Yankees or the Lakers.


The Everton badge, it’s a bit hard to see in the first photo…


The second of the real jerseys, Napoli from Italy.  Matthew had people in Barcelona and London go “NAPOLI” to him when he wore this out and about….


…like the quote in the collar…


A t-shirt from Sorrento’s soccer club; they are third division in Italy and pretty small. 


The TNT try-out shirt from this year; we missed tryouts but asked for someone to grab us a shirt…


Last but not least, Matthew rocking the red-white-and-blue….