Saturday, July 28, 2012

Spring Hill – Before and During


Fric and Frac are off at camp… and updates from the camp appear online AND are sent home daily, so, might as well collect them here.

These are the photos I took before we left:


Henry will have the top bunk; Matthew will be beneath him. 


Fric and Frac in front of the cabin door….


The boys on the logs surrounding the bonfire right before we left.

Onto the Camp photos:

The first day only provided this photo

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Fric, Frac.  In the bottom row; Henry (below Matthew) plays soccer with Matthew and Sam (Henry’s older brother) is to the right of Henry.  We are somewhat surprised that there are only 6 people in the cabin; expected more.


So each day we have paid a little extra to get one picture and one one or two sentence quote.  “I’m really excited about zipline and I really like playing gaga ball and six square”.


“I’m really looking forward to the zipline and riflery was really fun!”


“The xipline has been the best part of camp”


“I really like the zipline and I want to do it in Hawaii.  We did archery which was fun too, then high ropes!”  Note.  we are strongly considering returning to Hawaii for Spring Break 2013.


“Just went canoeing and I can’t wait to go down the waterslide!!  I also lost two teeth this week!!”

Oh Christopher, if you only knew what your refusal to change shirts for three straight days is going to get you when you get home…..


“Today we went canoeing and we already went zip lining”


“I learned not to wear wet pants all day”


“The best thing at camp is the blobs because my counselor Alex blobbed  me.”

“B lobbing” is when the counselors jump on an inflatable in the lake and sending each camper bouncing off the inflatable into the lake.  Matthew is claiming to have gone 30 feet in the air!

The camp also posted a few pictures on line in photo albums:


Dead-Eye Fric


Doing some sort of craft…


Dead-Eye Frac.  Post-camp debrief reports that Frac was one of the few campers to hit a target here…


Being Crafty.

Camp Store: Each boy had $30 in their account to buy stuff during the week.  The purchases are a study in the nature of pre-teen boys:


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