A post devoted to noteworthy things captured by others…
A random search for ‘okemos’ turned this video up; happily, Cpher played really nice aggressive defense in this game, you can watch the whole short game if you want (don’t despair, we fall behind but win in the end) but you can see plenty of Cpher in the first six minutes
Mario Gargulio. Race Car Driver and our driver for the day on the Amalfi Coast. I can still hear Suzanne sigh and say “oh Mario”….
Oh My Gosh1 It’s Janell….and I figured if I was going to do a youtube post I had to do some of her; she was on the cruise before us and it was cool watching Carnival post her videos. She did drop the Oh My Gosh’es after a while
Janell in Dubrovnik
Kevin’s recording of Haley in Chicago….he needs to learn to turn the iphone sideways…