Friday, August 13, 2010

Matthew’s Photo Dump

I’m sure this will become a regular feature as well…displaying the pictures the boys have taken after I’ve downloaded them, deleted out the ones that aren’t in focus (in this case, 90% of them…had to call Matthew over to show him that he needs to sloooow dowwwnnn when taking pictures) and renamed them for permanent archiving.

  2010-07M-MomCathedralLearning 2010-07M-FamilyCathedral

Mom and Family in front of the Cathedral of Learning at the University of Pittsburgh.  The Carnegie Museum is to the right in these photos…this is just after we parked

2010-07M-Rock01 2010-07M-Rock02 2010-07M-Rock03 2010-07M-Rock04 2010-07M-Rock05

As I said…the boys weren’t interested in dinos at all (Matthew had zero, zip, zilch, nada, no pictures of any bones).  They were interested in the rocks and minerals.  He had over 40 pictures of them.  These were the best pictures of the bunch.