Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A sweaty mess

Cpher:  A quick update on the start of football; Christopher is about the fifth largest on the fourth and fifth grade team.  The practices, the conditioning practices that start the year, have started and it’s been crazy hot and humid, and Cpher has been a sweaty mess at the end of each day.  No real complaints at the end though, which is kind of surprising.  He’s holding his own in all of the drills and the running (he never walked when I watched him on Monday, and there were certainly a ton of boys who did, both smaller and larger).  They had some passing and receiving drills today; I think Christopher solidified his chances of staying away from the skill positions…ugh.

Matthew:  TNT practices continue; he plays in a tournament this weekend.  He’ll be stylin’ though; the new uniforms are in!

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