Saturday, August 14, 2010

TNT Game 2 – MI Challenge Cup


  • Survivor: Goldfish has yielded an early winner as four of the five goldfish have met their maker.  Matthew wanted to keep them to use as bait….
  • Kevin has been practicing with the junior varsity tennis team; think he’s on the better quarter/half of that group but it’s hard to tell.
  • Contact wearing has gone well; after celebrating the success of getting one out after ten minutes it seems to be coming down to a one or two minute process.  No complaints about wearing them during the day at all.
  • The older boys, Kevin and Ashton, have figured out that with ‘help’ (a boost) that they can get up into the pine tree between our house and the abandoned house next door.  If you get up into that tree, you can get pretty high (above our house) pretty quickly.
  • Speaking of the house next door, rumor is that it has finally been sold and the closing date is soon.  The handyman that came over after the home inspection said that there were a total of 43 broken pipes inside of that house…..

The Game:  Today’s game was against a team from Canton MI. Matthew’s team tried mighty hard to give away their 2-1 lead in the last part of the second half, but, held on to win.

20100814_2 The boys were supposed to wear the ‘other’ outfit, the all-whites.  But, the other team showed up in whites and we had to switch to a red top…

Matthew had the game-winning goal; click on the link to see the goal and the 30 seconds or so leading up to it.  Matthew spent a lot of the game at forward and wasn’t too willing to come back and help with defense…I was going to talk to him about that at the end of the game but his coach beat me to it.  That’s good.  The other' ‘new’ interesting thing is that Matthew is falling backwards a lot after kicking the ball hard; he is, for some reason, shifting his weight way back and that a) makes the ball go up and b) makes him fall down…so that he can’t get rebounds.  I’ve made him watch this tape of this goal to point out that good things happen when you are on your feet in front of the goal….nothing good can happen when you are on your butt.

Tomorrow brings the final two games of the tournament; the last game of group play and the championship game (that I think we’ve qualified for already having won the first two games).