Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ox Roast – Day One

Before we get to the soccer, let’s go for some updates.

1)  Think I mentioned that Kevin was trying to test out of Physical Science.  He had the test on Thursday.  Not the results he and we were looking for.  Kevin was not motivated to study for this (Mom and Dad had to keep reminding him) and now he’s going to have a huge reminder of the old saying that if you can’t find the time to do something right the first time, you will definitely find time the second time.  Since he’s going to be bored out of his skull in a class that he probably already knows material that they’ll be studying.

2)  More Kevin.  Lost a contact, had to bike up to the optometrist to get a new one. We seem to be lucky that Kevin has a ‘common’ prescription and that they seem to be in stock in most places.

3)  Thanks to a literal horde of oriental grad students trying to get to Michigan State, I was bumped off a flight yesterday and earned some buckages for future travel.  We leave for San Diego on Thursday. 

Ox Roast:  I wanted to have my U10 team play in a tournament this weekend, but, a lot of the kids are out of town so those plans didn’t work out.  What did work out was fielding a U9 and a U10 team in the 4v4 soccer tournament at the Dewitt Ox Roast.  Saturday brought three games each for Matthew’s U9 Chargers and Christopher’s U10 Falcons. 

Chargers:  Went 2-0-1 on the day; that tie should never ever ever have happened.  Not a bad day for a bunch of kids who have never participated in this format before though; we’re the #2 seed heading into tomorrow.  Sunday’s games are win-or-go-home…we’ll see how things work out.

Kevin taped only one game for the Chargers (it rained in the morning).  Happily, it was the 8-1 demolition of the team named…the demolition.  Matthew’s 5 goal performance is here; the first goal wasn’t very apparent (although the players certainly knew, the crowd and the coaches had a few questions…); he whistled it through the netting. 

Falcons:  Went 0-1-2 on the day; those ties are only because we would get our act together in the second half and start scoring and come back to tie the game.  Kevin taped our last game here, and I may go back and try to pull out some Cpher footage later.  Kevin missed the Cpher highlight, a sweet goal in the Game 2 to create a 1-1 tie.

The Falcons will be the #4 seed (out of 6) on Sunday and unless they start learning to pass early in the game as opposed to late will be bombing out of the tournament early tomorrow….