Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Charts? Charts!

Boys had their annual physical today (ok, it’s been 18 months!)  Each boy collected two shots, one with stoic dignity and the other, well, the other with his usual style and panache that include nasty looks of recrimination and reactions that turned a molehole into a mountain.  (shots, what shots?  chicken pox booster and Hepatitis A).

But really, you’re here for the charts!


It’s just scary how well he follows the line


it’s like he’s preprogrammed to be right on the line!


and the move down the chart on BMI is a good thing.

It’s these next charts that are the real story.  As we’ve gotten closer to the physical Suzanne and I have talked more and more about Christopher’s BMI; the kid can just pack the food away at times and it can be disconcerting (“hey, what happened to the popcorn?”).  The doctor, when she came in, asked if I had any concerns, and I told her, the only one was the chart in her hand and making sure that the big guy wasn’t where he shouldn’t be (an aside, it’s hard to tell with him, the BMI calculators online aren’t the best measure because he’s so far out of whack on the height and weight charts.


poor scanning by Dad; this image is weight (you don’t get the title.  Deal with it.).  Looking back at that 8 year old weight it seems like it was an outlier…if you drop that he would follow the curves, just a little bit higher than all of them.


another poor scanning job.  Again, that 8 year old height seems a bit odd now.


And thankfully, he’s looking awesome on the BMI Chart.  Still moving towards the lower parts of the curves, and the Doc is very pleased with where he is and how he’s doing.  He’ll never clock in on that magic 50% BMI number that Kevin and Matthew are on, but, for what he is, this is good news.

Took a pic of the chart and texted it to Mom while at the office; Mom texted back “whew!”….