Sunday, June 13, 2010

The last days of Kevin

Last week was hectic for Kevin; last week of school (with the big deal that’s made for the last week as an 8th grader as well) and the last week before he headed out for camp/Europe.  There’s a lot of ‘lasts’ in that sentence, let’s hit them in order.

Last week of school:  As always, it’s that Algebra 2 honors class that was driving the boat around here; the final was on Wednesday and the weekend and days before were the requisite discussion of are you studying and have you studied enough?

The answer turns out to be yes; he had the highest score in the class and with the curve ended up acing it.  Mom and Dad are appropriately excited for Kevin; this pulls his semester grade up quite a bit, but, still, we’re a little confused about how this could happen with all of the struggles we’ve had this year.  We’d like to think he’s figured out just how much he needs to study to have success…I guess the proof will be in the pudding next year.  We’ve heard that geometry honors isn’t as intensive as Alg 2……

The 8th graders had a group trip to Cedar Point on Thursday; Kevin had a great time and said he hit all of the rides.  8th grade dance (black and white theme) was on Friday; again, he had fun and there may be some photos of this available later on….

Kevin also had his last orchestra concert at Chippewa last week; the kids sounded awesome and I’ll get that audio converted here sometime in the near future.

Last week at home:  Stress levels are high around here as we (read this we as a royal we…my participation was minimal) got Kevin packed this week.  The complications here was that Kevin was only allowed 30 lbs (including the suitcase) AND that if anything Kevin has proven over and over again that the chance of losing something on this trip are very high.

So, Mom’s packing, and Kevin’s being a teenager and barely paying attention, and Mom is getting angrier.  Rinse, lather, and repeat for several days and you can see how things went around here.

Mom is incredibly nice though….made Kevin his favorite meal on the final friday of chicken-tacos and double-chocolate brownies.

Get up earlier (again) on Saturday morning to shuttle Kevin off to Blue Lake….review with Kevin in the car what he needs to review after every stop on the trip and he gets the list almost completely correct (misses the retainer).  Wouldn’t at the least be surprised to hear that something has gone missing when we see him on Thursday for the send-off lunch at Blue Lake; he flies out of Detroit on Thursday night.