Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Growing Up

There is too much going on this week!  Did I mention that between now and the season ending on Saturday that Matthew has 5 baseball games and Christopher has 4???

Anyway, Tuesday night, as the boys are going to bed, Christopher asks Mom to come into his room and give him a hug.  Mom complies, and there, in the darkness, the question comes out….

“Mom, is there really a Santa Claus?”

It’s never been phrased quite that directly before; the last time I recall being asked it was being accused of doing it and being able to redirect it to being accused of going out on 12/24 at midnight to get the gifts and being able, in all truthfulness, to say “no, we don’t do that”.  Heck, on Sunday, as I walked to the car, Christopher was out in the front yard with Maddie and asked “Dad, do you put money under our pillows when we lose teeth?” and again, I was able to say “No”…not adding the “Mom does it” part.

But, this time, there’s no way out and Suzanne starts by asking Christopher if he finds out that there isn’t a Santa Claus would it bother him and ends up with the truth and Christopher crying a little as the discussion comes to an end.

On Wednesday, Matthew comes home from camp with two teeth….and talking about the tooth fairy coming that night.  Not sure what, if anything, Christopher has said to Matthew about the previous night’s conversation but find it amusing that Suzanne reports (to be clear here, I flew to Dayton Tuesday night and am getting this info secondhand) that the tooth fairy adventures are still on.  I guess the possibility of cold hard cash is enough to overcome any doubts in the system……

Wednesday night another tuck-in is requested.  Christopher has only one thing to add after the hug and the kiss

“Thank you for telling me about Santa Claus”