Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Wouldn’t have thought bacon would dominate the first email home from Kevin, but, that’s the way he rolled.

Dear Mom and Dad,
     Guess where I'm sending this e-mail from? I'm sending this from some town outside of Wiesbaden. Right now, I'm with the Bleumer's. I got to Wiesbaden an hour or so ago. Calbe was great! The Gehrmann's were awesome and bought me lots of stuff (I didn't ask them to). Steffen's English was verz good, although he was very modest about it. The castle was really cool! The Roland Festival was really fun. All the first stands in our orchestra (including me) got to play a warm-up concert and I sat first chair. My solo at the concert was good except at the beginnning. Mrs. McDonald gave a terrible cue, I am came in but Sarah didn't. So after playing one measure by myself, Mrs. McDonald decided to restart the movement. So we restarted as my first four notes echoed through the church in front of a packed house, almost all of Calbe, and the president (?(I'm not sure what he was)) of the county. So that was somewhat embarassing. Other than that, the first concert went pretty well. I also got to play soccer with Paul and some of his friends and they were somewhat impressed by my talent. The Gehrmann's didn't want to accept my gift (fudge, berries, card) at first but I insisted. They also (with a lot of my help) make an 'American' breakfast. It consisted of scrambled eggs and bacon. They didn't quite seem to know what scrambled eggs were so I described it as a mashed up omelette. The making of the eggs went very well but the making of the bacon was different. I had to cook it in the pan and that was my first time ever having done so. I had to go off of having seeing other people make bacon in a pan. After Steffen melted some butter in the pan, I started. The bacon seemed like it was too big for the pan, but after a few seconds it shriveled so it was less than half its original size. The bacon cooked fast so I constantly had to check and flip the bacon. Paul and his friend loved the bacon and they all enjoyed the 'American' breakfast. Steffen said that after having the breakfast and the fudge (which they thought was delicious) that we would be very fat in America. Leaving Calbe was said, but now I'm in Wiesbaden. I'll try to send some e-mails when I can. Europe is really fun!
From Kevin

A few notes:

  • Read somewhere else that german keyboards have z’s where y’s should be….noted that Kevin’s first ‘very’ turned up as ‘verz’.
  • the warm-up concert is what is pictured when you can see the back of Kevin’s head in that one picture.  We didn’t know they would be pulling the 1st chairs out like that….
  • I don’t think I posted Kevin’s thank you card here…

New Picture