Tuesday, September 7, 2010

School Start 2010

A break from the vacation posts (not much more coming on that front though…some waterproof camera pics that Christopher took; a trip to the zoo with Cpher, and the trip home) to present the annual school-start photos.

Kevin:  Due to the re-organization of the schools in these parts, high school starts at 7:40 now.  We held Kevin at home as late as we could this morning to get the family photos; I’d bet in the future he’ll be leaving around 7:10-7:15

20100907_8 If you look close, you can see he’s only wearing one contact (hah!).  More on the contact-wearing experience later…it hasn’t gone smoothly lately.

Christopher:  ….and the elementary schools don’t start until 9 freakin’ am!  That’s some serious sleeping-in time that the boys can get into, but, not today.  They’ll be in bed early tonight, since the combination of the transition from pacific time and being excited for school had them up until 11:30 – midnight last night.


of all of the boys, this one almost never takes a bad picture……

An aside:  Christopher received his football jersey today; he’s #50.

A second aside:  Christopher has a teacher at Bennett Woods, again, that Kevin never had.  We think this is a good thing.

Matthew:  Another year, more chances to ripstik his way to school.  Matthew’s teacher, again, is the same as Christopher had.  Didn’t request it (as I had in previous years) but it’s all good…..


All together now:   As always, the group photos.  Side by side and in ‘train’ formation.

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