Sunday, September 12, 2010


Saturday in San Diego was the zoo and Seaworld….and then a trip to the airport for the long flight home.

Nobody slept much on that redeye flight. Kevin was stubborn and didn’t even try….Matthew finally nodded off, Suzanne snoozed a little.  Across the way, Christopher fell asleep before the plane even took off, but, slept fitfully, waking up kind of yelling and crying once or twice during the flight.  I think I slept for about 45 minutes total.

We landed in Atlanta about 20 minutes early….and found out the flight to Flint would leave 30 minutes late, leaving us 3 hour and 30 minutes of a layover while everyone was half dead.

Some boys are little boys, and can sleep anywhere.

2010-09-MatthewSleep 2010-09-CpherSleep

Finally board the flight to Flint, this time I’m sitting with Kevin and Christopher…Matthew is off with Mom.  Kevin, who had told us that the way to beat jet lag was to stay up as long as you can, was asleep before the plane took off.  I know I was asleep for a lot of it.  Suzanne told me that she looked back at us at one point and Christopher and I were in the same pose, head back, mouth open, completely out.

Landed in Flint, drove home, arrived here about 1 pm.  Boys are completely recharged and out the door to play with friends.  Kevin goes to his basement cave and we don’t see him again until we wake him up around 6.  Mom and Dad take naps and Sunday is almost completely a waste of the day (I did get the yard mowed and the dogs back from the kennel…that’s about it though).