Friday, September 10, 2010

Sports Update

Kevin:  Tennis goes well, goes better than well actually.  He had the chance to take three lessons out west on vacation and they really helped him to get his serve more ‘technically correct’….he’s translated this to his game as he’s gotten back and while he’s still double faulting about the same amount, his serve is a lot better.

They had an ‘invite’ on Wednesday, Kevin and Kyle won both their double matches (8-1 and 8-5).  The coach told the team if they were unhappy with their placement (Kevin was on the #2 doubles team…I was ok with this because he didn’t lose any ground being gone for ten days) they could talk to him.  Kevin saw who was playing #3 and #4 singles and talked to the coach afterwards; “I can beat those guys”. 

Really happy that Kevin had the confidence to do this.

Practice Thursday and Friday he played a singles match against the #4 singles; he went down 2-0 in the first set, but came back to win 6-4 and 6-3.  So, as the true ‘meets’ (team against team) begin next week, he’s expecting to move up to singles (because he knows he can beat the #3 guy too…).

Soccer:  Matthew and Christopher’s team lost their first game today, 4-2.  An ugly game; we made stupid mistakes and really didn’t show up until the second half.  Matthew wasn’t really there (just didn’t seem engaged to me) and Christopher had his moments before I yanked him from the game for the fourth of four bad behavior (not soccer) decisions.  Told the kids I didn’t want us to be blaming our teammates for goals, and that’s what he did at the end to earn his place on the bench.  Oh well, we had a long talk afterwards and hopefully we won’t be in this spot again.